Baza wiedzy: Politechnika Warszawska

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Zdjęcie profilowe osoby Jacek Misiurewicz

dr hab. inż. Jacek Misiurewicz

Profesor uczelni, z-ca Dyrektora ds.Nauki

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Jacek MISIUREWICZ, obtained his M.Sc. (1988), Ph.D. (1996), D.Sc. (2013) at Warsaw University of Technology. Currently he hold the post of Associate Professor in Circuit and Signal Theory Division and serves as Vice-Director of Institute of Electronic Systems. His research interest include: Digital signal processing, Radar Signal Processing, Compressed sensing, Programmable logic systems. Jacek Misiurewicz is IEEE Senior Member (2003 - ) and served as IEEE AP/AES/MTT Poland Chapter v-ce president (2012 - 2019), Polish National Committee URSI - Commission F Chairman. He also served as a reviewer for scientific journals, notably IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, and as a TPC member for radar conferences: IRS since 2008, Fusion since 2011, IEEE Radar Conference 2008, 2017. He also served as MRW 2018 Organizing Committee Chairman and IRS 2016 and 2020 TPC Chair.

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