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Courses Currently Offered in English

The Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology offers a complete programme of study in English, in the area of Information and Communications Technology embracing two specializations:

  • Computer Systems and Networks
  • Telecommunications

Courses currently available in English belong either to the Information and Communications Technology core curriculum, or to the curricula of the two specializations.

Courses that constitute the core programme of the B.Sc. studies are delivered twice a year, either during the winter semester (which lasts from October to mid February) or the summer semester (which lasts from mid February till the end of June). Specialized courses from the B.Sc. programme as well as courses from the M.Sc. programme are usually delivered once a year.

The Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology also takes part in the EMARO» programme (European Master on Advanced RObotics), thus some courses at the master level are available in this area.

  • Automatic Control and Robotics

For detailed information on courses available in English please refer to the catalogue.

For up to date information on courses opened in the current academic year please refer to appropriate pages for either winter or summer semester.

Taking an individual project (e.g. thesis preparation) is possible, but only if both the subject and the supervisor are agreed in advance (prior to student's arrival), based on existing scientific or didactical cooperation between  sending and receiving institutions.


Courses for the next academic year!
When courses for the next academic year are in preparation, but have not been confirmed yet, please assume that all courses that were available in the last academic year will also be available in the following year. For instance, the assumption is justified concerning the winter semester 2024/2025, that the courses which were available in the 2023/24 winter semester, will also be available in the 2024/25 winter semester. A similar assumption is justified for the summer semester 2024/2025.