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Books added to collection in 2023
November 2023
Prosise J.
Applied machine learning and AI for engineers. Solve business problems, O'Reilly Media, 2023 Description: |
Shah Ch. A hands-on introduction to machine learning Cambridge University Press, 2023 Description: |
Iglberger K. C++ software design. Design principles and patterns for high-quality software O'Reilly Media, 2022 Description: |
Brunton S.L., Kutz J.N.
Data-driven science and engineering. Machine learning, dynamical systems Cambridge University Press, 2022 Description: |
Kofler M., Gebeshuber K., Kloep P., Neugebauer F., Zingsheim A., Hackner T.,
Hacking and security. The comprehensive guide to penetration testing Rheinwerk Publishing, 2023 Description: |
Tevault D.A.
Mastering Linux security and hardening. A practical guide to protecting Packt Publishing, 2023 Description: |
De Byl P.
Mathematics for game programming and computer graphics. Explore Packt Publishing, 2022 Description: |
Ramsey N. Programming languages. Build, prove, and compare Cambridge University Press, 2023 Description: |
Wickham H., Çetinkaya-Rundel M., Grolemund G.
R for data science. Import, tidy, transform, visualize, and model data O'Reilly Media, 2023 Description: |
Veneri G., Capasso A.
Hands-on industrial Internet of Things. Create a powerful industrial IoT Packt Publishing, 2018 Description: |
Chaber P., Nebeluk R., Wojtulewicz A., Zarzycki K. Dynamic systems and control. Laboratory exercises Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 2023 Description: |
July 2023
Kaufmann M.
Accelerate DevOps with GitHub. Enhance software delivery performance Packt Publishing, 2022 Description: |
Newman S. Building microservices. Designing fine-grained systems. 2nd edition O'Reilly, 2021 Description: |
Huyen Ch.
Designing machine learning systems. An iterative process forproduction-ready O'Reilly, 2022 Description: |
Reis J., Housley M. Fundamentals of data engineering. Plan and build robust data systems O'Reilly, 2022 Description: |
Géron A.
Hands-on machine learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow. Concepts, O'Reilly, 2023 Description: |
Ullenboom Ch. Java. The comprehensive guide Rheinwerk Publishing, 2023 Description: |
Ernesti J., Kaiser P. Python 3. The comprehensive guide Rheinwerk Publishing, 2022 Description: |
Monk S.
Raspberry Pi cookbook. Software and hardware problems and solutions O'Reilly, 2023 Description: |