Structural projects
PROTEUS - Integrated Mobile System for Counterterrorism and Rescue Operations
Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements with other scientific and research institutes have started work on the innovation project, which results will be an answer for the new challenges, which are faced by services responsible for the rescue, the critical management and the public safety.
InTechFun - Innovative technologies of multi-functional materials and structures for nanoelectronics, photonics, spintronics and sensors
The main aim of this project is to integrate different semiconductors and technologies and develope new semiconductor devices based on creative and innovative technological solutions and designs. The project is focused on wide bandgap materials like zinc oxide and related films, galium nitride and related epitaxial layers, silicon carbide. The functional thin layers for ohmic and rectifying contacts, interconnections, gate dielectrics and passivation have been developing based on four material groups: stable thermal oxides, nitrides, carbides and borides.
FOTEH Fotonika i Technologie Terahercowe - Rozwój Wydziałowego Centrum Badawczego
Wydziałowe Centrum Badawcze FOTEH jest strukturą poziomą, niezależną od Instytutów i podejmuje złożone zadania badawcze i naukowo-techniczne o charakterze rozwojowo – wdrożeniowym na rzecz innowacyjnej gospodarki. Złożoność i zakres tematyczny podejmowanych zadań może znacznie przekraczać kompetencje pojedynczego laboratorium specjalistycznego.
Future Internet Engineering
The project covers the development and testing of infrastructure and services for the future generation Internet, i.e. IPv6 Internet and Future Internet.