From the Dean
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From the Dean

Are you interested in computers and their applications? Are you thinking about studying information and communications technology?
Many young people are and it is not very difficult to say why. The future development of the world is inevitably tied to continued progress in this area. The immense growth in the applications of electronic circuits and computers, a growth which shows no sign of slowing down as we entered the twenty-first century, has resulted in the current shortage of information and communications technology engineers. In a few years, job opportunities will be limitless.
If you are planning to get your degree or just take a few courses in information and communications technology, I would like to draw your attention to the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at the Warsaw University of Technology.
For many years, our Faculty has been a place where exceptional people come together to work and study. As such, the Faculty would like to open its doors to the most talented and promising people of all nationalities. We therefore offer programs of study in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) with English as the official language of instruction and administration.
Our undergraduate and graduate programs taught in English cover the most rapidly developing areas of information and communications technology. In the following pages you will read about exciting degree options in Computer Systems and Networks and Telecommunications. Our students are offered a balanced program of lectures, tutorials, laboratory, and practical instruction. There is a lot of design and “hands-on” experience with computers in all our courses. Our laboratories are well equipped, and courses are constantly reviewed and revised to keep them up-to-date and relevant to the demands of students and employers. The strength of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology lies in its commitment to the achievement of excellence in everything it does.
Engineering studies are not simple and a student’s life is not always easy — that’s the bad news. The good news is that we have a long-standing and well-earned reputation as a friendly university. There is a large and supportive staff. Student social life is active and varied; you will not feel lost in the crowd. You will also be in good company. Admission to our programs is granted mainly to those with excellent academic records. A distinguished teaching staff, a lively student body, including international student groups from all corners of the globe, all help to create the right atmosphere for personal development and fruitful study.
The choice you have to make will be one of the most important you will ever make. I strongly believe that if you choose the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at Warsaw you will not be disappointed.
You will develop your talents, you will discover new opportunities, you will extend your knowledge and your skills, you will grow in intellect, in competence and in confidence. You will learn more about the world, its peoples and their cultures. You will eventually graduate with a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctor’s degree. The academic standing of the Faculty is sufficiently high and internationally recognized to ensure that your degree will be of maximum value in a competitive world, whatever career you may choose. Our graduates possess the right combination of skills that employers are looking for: intelligence and personal qualities, an ability to efficiently solve problems, and technical expertise in the critical areas of today’s engineering. Our alumni are pursuing professional careers in Poland, in other European countries, and in most other parts of the world. They have distinguished themselves as professors, administrators, researchers for government and industry, entrepreneurs,
and inventors.
We are proud of the Warsaw University of Technology and its Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. If you come here to take your degree, you too will be proud to be our graduate.
I hope very much to meet you at some time in the near future.
Professor Krzysztof Zaremba, PhD, DSc