Research Profile
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Research Institutes
The Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology consists of six reserach institutes and each institute consist of divisions. The institutes are:
- The Institute of Computer Science
- The Institute of Control, and Computation Engineering
- The Insitute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics
- The Institute of Electronic Systems
- The Institute of Radioelectronics and Multimedia Technology
- The Institute of Telecommunications
Institute of Computer Science
- Computer Architectures and Software Engineering Division's research profile includes formal methods and tools for computer-aided design of concurrent systems, parallel processing architectures, local area networks, embedded and real-time systems, performance and reliability analysis of concurrent systems, system dependability, software quality, reliability and testing, fault diagnostics and fault tolerance in digital and mixed mode systems, advanced logical synethesis. Current research projects embrace:
— diagnostics and fault tolerance in computer systems (hardware and software),
— selected formal methods of software specification, design and verification
— COSMA environment and methodology for systems' design and verification,
— multi-agent systems (robotic-agents), problems of cooperation and social behaviour,
— software metrics and UML modelling.
- Information Systems Division's research consists of practice and theory of information systems and database systems, as well as, vagueness, uncertainty and approximate reasoning, in particular — knowledge representation, data mining, reasoning about knowledge, machine learning, and the application of rough set theory in the above fields. Examples of research projects are as follows:
— logical tools for semantic database description,
— development of rough set theory and its applications to knowledge discovery,
— implementation of decision support systems,
— application of developed software to vague data analysis, voice recognition, pattern recognition, etc.,
— knowledge discovery, data, text and WEB mining, theory and practice.
- Computer Graphics Division's research interests are: image generation and image processing: modelling and rendering, colour in computer graphics, modelling of natural phenomena and objects, real time image generation and processing (algorithms, hardware and software), virtual reality systems. Current research projects include:
— modelling and rendering of plants and their growth,
— colour spaces,
— application of image processing methods in computer graphics,
— interaction in virtual reality systems,
— data visualisation,
— document processing,
— visualisation of fractal objects,
— compositing computer generated and real images.
Institute of Control, and Computation Engineering
- Complex Systems Group concentrates on the theory and methodology of model-based predictive repetitive control and hierarchical control structures for non-linear systems under un-certainty, methods for solving continuous and discrete time optimization problems, and software for computer aided analysis and design of complex systems. Particular attention is given to distributed and parallel, synchronous and asynchronous computations, as well as to the analysis and design of control algorithms and pricing techniques for computer networks. Moreover, the group develops techniques for information systems security.
- Biometrics and Machine Learning Group deals with biologically inspired control and information technology, including biometrics, machine learning, uncertainty modeling, and biological modeling. Biometrics consists in using personal characteristics for identity authentication. Group's research in biometrics includes pattern recognition for iris, hand-written signature, hand shape and lines, etc. Also, safety of biometric data storage and exchange, biometrics intelligent cards, and data encryption using biometrics are investigated. Machine learning research focuses on learning algorithms, adaptive control, multi-agent systems.
- Robot Programming and Pattern Recognition Group focuses on service robots, i.e., two-handed devices using reasoning, visual servoing, force control, and speech recognition to fulfill tasks in human oriented environments. The research concentrates on*robot motion planning and control systems, autonomous mobile robot localization and navigation, robot programming methods, position-force control, computer vision systems and speech recognition systems.
- Control Engineering Group deals with industrial process control, The focus is on predictive and fuzzy control algorithms, multilayer optimizing and supervisory control, non-linear system control and analysis. Model-based predictive control algorithms for linear and nonlinear process modeling are developed and investigated. Soft computing methods for design and tuning of control systems are used, based on fuzzy systems, neural nets, and genetic algorithms. Theoretical considerations are combined with simulation analysis in the investigations.
- Software Engineering Group develops software and evaluates its quality. Research focuses on software processes, analysis, design and quality evaluation methods, and software audit. The group has worked on a number of commercial projects related to the development and evaluation of huge software systems for public organizations and for the industry. The scope of those projects included business process modeling, requirements analysis, strategic planning, conducting the testing process, and software audit.
- Operations Research and Management Systems Division is concerned with operation research and structural discrete optimization methods for control and management of discrete processes, including applications in the deregulated electric power industry, computer integrated manufacturing and educational systems. Research focuses on market and auctions design, scheduling techniques, efficient structural-based optimization algorithms, time-table generation, strategic and tactical planning, detailed scheduling, and real-time operational control. Object oriented and relational database management systems as well as CASE methods are investigated for the purpose of design of distributed multi-functional heterogeneous information systems.
- Optimization and Decision Support Division concentrates on the theory of distributed and parallel computational methods, and software for optimization. The theory covers a whole area of linear and non-linear, dynamic, stochastic and multiple criteria problems, and deals with such topics as their sensitivity and parametric aspects. Another area covers decision theory, including multi-person decisions and game theory, and edeals with software for decision support, organization and management of computer networks. Methods of reasoning in knowledge based systems are also investigated.
Insitute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics
- The research carried out in the Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics Devices Division is focused on fabrication, characterization and modeling of MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor) structures. Research topics include: kinetics of silicon oxidation, deposition of ultrathin dielectric layers (SiO2, Si3N4, SiOxNy), MEMS/MOEMS processing, electrical characterization of modern MOS structures (SOI, double gate, vertical, etc.) modeling of modern MOS structures (e.g. SOI, double gate, resonant tunneling diode) and phenomena (transport mechanisms, quantum effects).
- The research carried out in the VLSI Engineering and Design Automation Division is focused on design of microelectronics IC's (integrated circuits) and application of microelectronics in digital signal processing. Research topics include: methods of formal and functional verification of IC design, logic circuit verification, studies of circuit-topography sensitivity to spot defects; novel mathematical methods of process modelling in application to statistical simulation; novel two-dimensional mathematical simulation of semiconductor devices.
- The research carried out by the Microsystem and Electronic Material Technology Division concentrates on optoelectronic and hybrid devices. Research topics include: fabrication and investigation of numerous optoelectronic devices, application of thin and thick film technology in hybrid devices and thick film sensors fabrication, electronic packaging technology, new materials (semiconductors and dielectrics) for microelectronics applications (e.g. diamond-like-carbon, boron nitride, silicon carbide).
- The research carried out in the Microwave Electronics and Photonics Division is focused on propagative electronics and microwave photonics. Research topics include: analysis of oscillation conditions, frequency stabilisation and synthesis in microwave bands, automation and computerisation of measurement techniques of microwave circuit and device parameters, modelling and computer aided design of microwave devices and circuits; investigations and modelling of optical-microwave frequency conversion processes, modelling of optically controlled microwave devices.
- Research carried out in the Optoelectronics Division is focused on laser physics, spectroscopy, construction and application in medicine and air pollution monitoring. Research topics include: solid state laser construction and laser applications in materiał processing; spectroscopic research of new laser materials, theoretical research of laser generation, nano-optical structures and photonic band-gap materials, research of light generation in metal vapour gas lasers optimisation of the construction of ion gas lasers.
- The research carried out in the Image Processing Division is focused on the technology of electronic imaging devices and of digital image processing. Research topics include: theoretical principles of image modelling, numerical methods of image analysis, implementation of digital image processing for detection, inspection and identification of objects, electro optic effects in liquid crystals and their applications to LCD, photo refractive phenomena in liquid crystals for dynamic holography and optical data storage.
Institute of Electronic Systems
In recent years, the teaching and research activities in the IES have been focused on design, construction and maintenance of analogue, digital and mixed electronic systems and instrumentation, working in the range of Iow, high, microwave as well as optic-al frequencies. These systems are intended for many different applications in: measurement and control, radio - and telecommunication, bioengineering and radar, high energy physics experiments, astronomical and space technology research programs, with broad use of digital, microprocessor and computer techniques and software engineering. Teaching and research activities of the lnstitute's staff are in the areas: of CAD systems for VLSI analogue, digital and mixed electronic circuits and systems, YHDL/FPGA system design with such techniques as DSP chips and gigabit optical transmission, micro electro-mechanical systems, design and testing of RF and microwave monolithic integrated circuits for communication systems, computer controlled measurement systems, numerical methods, digital signal processing of radar signals, and of biomedical signals, analogue and digital filtering, neural networks, artificial intelligence, molecular DNA computing, semiconductor and smart sensors, flow sensors and flow measurements, optoelectronic metrology, non-linear fiber optics, optical fiber devices and optical fiber sensors.
The IES's staff teaches basic courses such as: Circuit Theory, Signals and Systems, Electronic Circuits and Systems, Basics of Electrical and Electronic Measurements. But the main teaching and research involvement of the Institute is in the advanced and modern areas of electronics and information technology presented above. In a two-stage teaching system of the Faculty, the Institute is responsible for a specialization Electronics and Computer Engineering. In many aspects these two areas of science and engineering have common fields. Staff members of the Institute are involved in most of the teaching activities for Electronics and Computer Engineering specialization, but they also teach and participate in other specializations.
Like other Institutes of the Faculty, The IES is structured into Divisions. The Institute incorporates five Divisions consisting of Research Groups:
- Circuit and Signal Theory — Non-linear Networks, Digital Methods in Signal Processing, Radar Signal Processing Group;
- Microwave Circuits and Instrumentation;
- Electronic Circuits and Systems — Electronic Analogue Circuits, Digital Systems and Digital Signal Processing, Pulse and Digital Equipment, Biocybernetic Instrumentation;
- Measurement Systems and Microsystems — Sensors, Industrial Measurement Systems, Automatic Test Systems, Optoelectronic Circuits, Internet Measurement Systems;
- Artificial Intelligence.
Each year the Institute organizes research conferences on Advanced Electronic and Photonic Systems (devoted mainly for Ph.D. students) and on Evolutionary Algorithms. The Institute participates in a number of international and European research programs, including bilateral and multilateral cooperation on application of electronic systems with technical universities in Germany, Italy, Spain, UK. The IES offers a wide range of teaching and research opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. It offers also its technical and intellectual resources for the industry. The IES's teaching and research activities respond to the needs of today's electronic and computer engineering.
Students who come to the IES are joining a dynamic, expanding and lively institution, in which the staff is managing to retain one of the long standing academic tradition to maintain high standards for education and research, while keeping friendly atmosphere and good relations between staff and students.
Institute of Radioelectronics and Multimedia Technology
The Institute of Radioelectronics employs 68 scientific and didactic workers, therein 15 Professors (9 with the state title) and 45 Assistant Professors. There are almost 50 Ph.D. students under the auspices of the Institute. The Institute of Radioelectronics consists of 5 scientific research divisions: Radiocommunications Division, Microwave and Radiolocation Engineering Division, Electroacoustics Division, Television Division and Nuclear and Medical Electronics Division. The research and development works are concentrated on three main areas:
- Radiocommunications and radionavigation: focused on digital radio transmission problems and advanced computer science applications, radio systems design, particularly cellular and short range systems, radio transmitting and receiving, electromagnetic and signal theory, as well as ecological and electromagnetic compatibility problems. The research also covers smart antennas and satellite techniques, measurements techniques for very high frequency range as well as computer-aided design, data acquisition and data processing. It also deals with the design of high-frequency systems for radar techniques and radiocommunications.
- Multimedia techniques: the works concentrate on the areas of television and electroacoustics, covering mainly the subject matter of intelligent multimedia systems, digital and interactive television, e-learning standards and platforms with a special emphasis on multimedia tools for collaborative e-learning using media streaming and searching techniques. There are continuous efforts in developing MPEG standards (MPEG-4 and MPEG-7). The research is also concentrated on the investigation and modeling of acoustic field distribution, digital audio techniques, noise control and active noise reduction as well as psychoacoustics and architectural and industrial acoustics.
- Biomedical engineering: covers a broad range of topics and integrates electronics and information technology with elements of medical knowledge; focused on medical diagnostics, application of magnetic resonance technique, tomography, telediagnostics, processing, analysis and compression of medical images, medical image processing and recognition, biomedical accelerators. Further, the research deals with the methods and instrumentation for electrocardiography and high resolution electrocardiography, CT, MRI, optical tomography and ultrasonography.
Some research is also done in the area of metrology, instrumentation and measuring systems. The research is related to the field of measurement science and technology. It is focused on improving the quality of measurements using signal-processing techniques.
The Institute of Radioelectronics realizes numerous international projects, which are classified into three types: EU Integrated Projects, i.e. SAFESPOT, EU Specific Targeted Research Projects such as CODMUCA, RESOLUTION or WISE and EU Network of Excellence e.g. VISNET, TARGET or ACE2. COMPASS Experiment at CERN is another project, which is an outcome of the long-standing cooperation between our Institute and CERN in Geneva.
The Institute owns over 20 laboratories — equipped with modern instrumentation, which constitutes a good base for the education of new specialists. Among our laboratories one can find acoustic anechoic chamber, mobile radiocommunication laboratory (with PicoNode system), antenna anechoic chamber (with equipment up to 50 GHz), tomography laboratory (with MRI, CT and impedance tomographs) or sound recording studio (equipped with system of registration, processing, mixing and edition of sound).
Institute of Telecommunications
The Institute of Telecommunications, having currently 53 academic staff members (including 8 tenured professors) and 43 PhD students, carries out research on various hot topics related to the R&D of modern communication network platforms. The research projects being conducted range from the design of digital circuits, devices, systems and networks to the operation and integrated management of multi-service network systems — using wired or wireless transmission media. The institute comprises several research and teaching teams that form four divisions:
- Telecommunications Fundamentals Division, dealing with synthesis and design of digital circuits (with special emphasis on PLD and FPGA circuits) using computer tools for prototyping and industrial applications, logic synthesis, logic synthesis for easily testable circuits, design of self-testing circuits with built in circular test paths, design and control of self-healing network systems, evaluation and testing of cryptographic algorithms and techniques, methods for technical and organizational infrastructure for telecommunication services.
Telecommunication Optoelectronic Systems Division, working on signal processing, microprocessor programming, design and construction of measurement instruments for optoelectronics and optical telecommunications, radio communications, fibre optic networks and multimedia systems.
- Transmission Systems Division, focusing on further development of data transmission systems, modulation techniques, speech processing, multimedia applications, satellite communications.
- Computer Networks and Switching Division, dealing with teletraffic theory and engineering, telecommunication networks planning, optimization and management, testing of communication protocols, information security systems.
Following the rapid and continuous worldwide progress in developing telecommunication (both backbone and access) network technologies, the institute often updates its curricula, research and teaching laboratories and research activities. The current major research groups/profiles are determined as follows:
— Digital Circuit Synthesis and Design,
— Optoelectronic Measurement Systems,
— Telecommunication Network Technologies,
— Mobile and Embedded Applications,
— Speech Processing,
— Network Design and Planning,
— Security Systems.
Within a framework of joint project collaboration as well participation in several EU research programs and grants, the institute has developed many international co-operation links with universities of technology, R&D institutions, telecommunication network operators and equipment manufacturing plants. Among these projects are: Terrestrial Wireless Infrastructure Integrated with Satellite Telecommunications for E-Rural Applications (TWISTER), Monitoring and Measurement Cluster (MOME), Design and Engineering of the Next Generation Internet, Towards Convergent Multi-service Networks (EURO-NGI), End-to-end Quality of Service Support over Heterogeneous Networks (EuQoS), Semantic Interfaces for Mobile Services (SIMS), Middleware Platform for Developing and Deploying Advanced Mobile Services (MIDAS), Design and Engineering of the Future Generation Internet — Towards Convergent Multi-service Networks (EURO-FGI), New Methods for Processing Signals and Images in Information Systems, Self-organizing Routing Networks, Multi-mode Passive Optical Networks for Home and Business Applications, Global Internet Intra-Domain Routing Management.