Research laboratories of the Institute of Telecommunications
Article index
Networking Laboratory
Equipment available in the lab consists of:
- routers and switches (Cisco 2800 Series - 16 units),
- servers (Fujitsu RX300 - 4 units, RX100 - 6 units),
- modular wireless nodes (Alix - 12 units),
- NGN system (Alcatel OmniPCX 4400),
- PCs, supplementary communication units, audiovisual equipment, etc.
The lab supports research in the following areas:
- Next Generation Networks (NGN),
- telecom service architectures (IMS) and service implementation techniques (ParlayX, Telecom Web Services),
- IP routing (especially IPv6) and network virtualization,
- network optimization (QoS, efficiency, robustness),
- network management (NGOSS, management processes, resource modeling,management protocols),
- Wireless Mesh Networks.
A subset of the laboratory's resources forms a node of the international experimental network GpENI (Great Plains Environment for Network Innovation)
connecting academic sites around Europe and USA.
The lab is also extensively used for teaching. Students use the lab within the following courses: IP Networking, Next Generation Networks, IMS Architecture, Transport and Control in Communication Networks, Design of Communication Networks, Communication Networks Management, Internet Technologies. Moreover, the lab is used for BSc, MSc and PhD research, and also for experiments of the local Students' Research Group. All networking and computation resources in the lab are virtualized and can be accessed by users remotely.