Threat intelligence informed cyber security – How strategy forms teams
Threat intelligence informed cyber security – How strategy forms teams - to temat kolejnego spotkania Koła Naukowego Bezpieczeństwa Informacyjnego, na które serdecznie zapraszamy już 27 kwietnia 2022 18:15-20:00.
Tym razem porozmawiamy z Przedstawicielami firmy Infineon; Otto, Stefan Glaser oraz Stephan Berentzen z. Prezentacja odbędzie się w języku angielskim.
During the lecture you will get insights into the organizational setup of the global cyber security organization at Infineon, and in particular that of the Cyber Defense Center. You will then be able to hear how threat intelligence steers the global cyber security program and risk management at Infineon. Ultimately we will have two short deep dives; One into how defenders collaborate across businesses – something not as common as one might think - which technical solutions support this collaboration about the benefits of it. And secondly, a member of our Incident Response team share how some aspects of the collected threat intelligence is used to pro-active hunt for threats in our active defense approach – again we will share a little about the tools and techniques we use.