Jak wykonuje się pentesty w dużych organizacjach?

Zaproszenie na spotkanie KNBI

Poznaj tajemnice wykonywania pentestów w dużych organizacjach. Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie Koła Naukowe Bezpieczeństwa Informacyjnego (KNBI). Tym razem prelegentem będzie Marek Zmysłowski, Penetration Testing Lead w Standard Character Bank. Spotykamy się na dedykowanym kanale MS Teams KNBI: https://www.facebook.com/events/681389126238743?ref=newsfeed 

Opis wydarzenia:
Penetration Testing is an authorized, systematic, and in-depth evaluation process of testing a computer system, network or web application to find security vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. The process involves gathering information about the target before the test, identifying possible entry points, attempting to break in and reporting back the findings. Performing the test for one system can be easy however in a large corporation can be challenging. Different environments, multiple systems and everything must be managed. This presentation shows what challenges can be met in such environment. It is completely different than company that performing the penetration testing for clients. We are going to show what are the problems based on our experience. This presentation can be valuable for different companies and teams.
Marek Zmysłowski - Currently Penetration Testing Lead @ Standard Character Bank where he is responsible for the technical part of the whole penetration testing team (more than 20 pentesters). In the security industry for more than 14 years. Experience in the area of penetration testing, reverse engineering or vulnerability finding. Multiple conferences speaker in Poland (Confidence, WTH) and abroad (HiTB, PacSec, DefCamp, H2HC)